What People are Saying

KCR (Kinetic Chain Release) &
CTR (Connective Tissue Release)
One session of KCR restored me mobility. Maybe not good business for you - if it works so well hehe but truly amazing treatment. When I came to you, I had to gone to a normal massage, Cranio Sacral treatment and physical therapist .... without success. Could not turn, as young as I am because of pain in the back. And after one session... absolutely remarkable. Since then I have been in the moving stuff and all I found was a little fatigue in the legs after standing for 14 hours... but the “normal” back pain never came back. I have recommended you and this treatment to all who mention that they have pain. But frankly speaking I am still a little surprised about how all this works.
-Ingibjorg Hannesdóttir
Thank you Skúli.. this treatment made me completely pain free even the pain I had after a car accident. I had looked for long for good hands before I reached yours… I am so grateful for your hands and to be able to feel new energies and you as a person. I urge people to go and experience this amazing technique and I can only feel for those who don’t dare to step outside of their box. Hugs and love ..
-Sigríður Svavarsdóttir
This has saved me many times because of fibromyalgia and works much better for me than physical therapy.
-Helene Brodu-Ferrand
Yoga Therapy
This just works! – don’t know where to start. All treatments have helped me to identify feelings, both physical and spiritual. Listen to your body in new ways and accept everything that comes. It is a great place to release and open the flow of vital energy and joy. I have found a stronger internal connection and way stronger global connection. Thank you Skúli, I hope that many people find their way to you for a better life.
-Pálína Fanney Skúladóttir

Energy Massage
Hello Skúli. I was thinking, as I do sometimes, I should send you a line and tell you that I feel absolutely brilliant after the massage session the other day. I am sure you get many such posts but it is okay. I am full of energy and life is in a wonderful flow. I mean even if something is not exactly like it should be it finds a good solution all the time, even the rain waited until my hay was placed in plastic even if there were a few obstacles before it could be finished. People say beautiful words to me and out of the blue! My heart is full of gratitude, especially to you. You said once it was ok to praise what is well done. And because I'm not a person of many words as you know, I just say once again: Thank you.
-Hafdís Armor Þorsteinsdóttir